Each month, we feature tips for success in landing Parker Dewey Micro-Internships, opportunities to get involved with our larger community of companies and organizations, and success stories that highlight the benefits of Micro-Internships. This newsletter was originally published in March 2021. To receive future Hire Learnings for Career Launcher newsletters, click here!
This month, we're addressing what happens after your project is complete.
Mark project as complete: This will start the payment process. If you have any questions about payment, contact Parker Dewey directly.
Feedback: After you complete a Micro-Internship through Parker Dewey, you get rated and feedback from the project manager. This feedback goes directly to you and its purpose is for you to learn and grow. So if there are things the manager suggests you can improve, take that as advice, and if they say you did a great job, ask for their permission to share that feedback with others.
Update your experience: When a company posts a project on PD, they only see what you have in your profile, so if you've already completed a project you should add it to your profile under experience, add it to your resume, and even add it to LinkedIn.
How does a Career Launcher list a Micro-Internship on a resume or LinkedIn profile?
Career Launchers are independent contractors and therefore not employees of either Parker Dewey or its clients. As such, it is recommended that you categorize these experiences under the heading “Independent Consultant” and highlight each engagement separately or by category. Consultants are subject to the Nondisclosure Agreement in the Terms of Use, and therefore you should be sensitive to the level of detail provided. Consultants (that’s you!) may request that a client review the content or can contact Parker Dewey for feedback.
If you prefer a checklist of steps to take to make sure you're getting the most out of your Micro-Internship, click here to view our Post Micro-Internship checklist.

P.S. Your campus career center is always happy to help do a profile and resume review to help you stand out in your applications!
You Asked, They Answered: Advice for Non-Traditional Students
Frank, a 2019 graduate with a Masters in Engineering and 49 years of professional experience in another field, asked us:
“How can non-traditional students stand outーand avoid being screened outーfor entry-level roles?”
You are not alone in that concern, Frank! We tapped our network of early career and career service professionals to find out the answer.
Check out what they said here!
Featured Article: Stop Guessing At What Employers Are Looking For
“Ranging from the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report to Parker Dewey’s data analysis of their Micro-Internship postings and anecdotes from the Forbes Human Resource Council, the data overwhelmingly points to one key takeaway: soft skills win.”
Soft skills, or interpersonal skills, are what employers are looking for in prospective job candidates. However, skills like problem-solving and critical thinking don’t always come naturally to those searching for the perfect job. This article lists the most desired soft skills, and how you can develop and practice them.
Monthly Spotlight
Meet Emily Naeem, a senior at Ohio State University studying Chemical Engineering with a minor in Sustainable Agriculture, who turned her Micro-Internship experience into a longer-term cooperative learning role. See Emily's full story here!

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