Hire Learnings August 25, 2020

    If you're an employer unsure how to reach the college students and grads your organization needs, you're probably wondering how to best engage with them. In my latest LinkedIn post, I share an article from Steven Rothberg of College Recruiter job search site where he points to data from our recent Student Sentiment Survey data, proving that there are numerous recruiting strategies for companies that don't involve "flying hiring managers and recruiters around the country.”

    Jeffrey Moss, CEO and Founder

    What We're Reading


    Your Company Says Diversity Is a Higher Priority. Now What? - Wall Street Journal


    The importance of diversity in the workplace has been the spotlight of HR, recruiters, and board members of virtually every company in the U.S. What actions need to happen now that the conversations have been had? Diversity experts and corporate professionals offer advice for taking meaningful action steps toward prioritizing diversity efforts.

    Related reading: How NOT to solve the diversity problem.

    Proportional Prejudice: How Diversifying Your Applicant Pool Can Lead to a Less Diverse Workforce - Recruiter.com

    “Conventional wisdom would support the idea that more women applying for tech jobs or more men applying for HR jobs would help even out gender imbalances in these fields. However, our research published in the American Journal of Sociology suggests this strategy can often backfire.”

    Trying to improve your ratio of male to female employees can prove challenging in many fields that are dominated by either one of the genders. Recruiters.com surveyed nearly 250 thousand employers to find out how their initial impressions of applicant pools and what factors can lead to a less diverse ratio in the workforce.

    Related reading: How Micro-Internships Can Bring Diversity, New Perspectives, and Talent to Employers

    77% of students want practical experience in next 6-months - College Recruiter

    “They have little desire to dress up in a suit and spend 20-minutes in a tiny, stuffy interview room with a recruiter who is about to fall asleep and a hiring manager who won’t stop asking inappropriate and, at times, illegal questions. They have less desire to be herded like cattle into a gymnasium where they’re expected to line-up to have the opportunity to speak for seconds with a recruiter who likely won’t remember anything about the meeting later that day.”

    Steven Rothberg’s shares his take on the results of Parker Dewey’s Student Sentiment Survey and compares it to what him and his team have seen at College recruiter.

    Related resource: 2020 Fall Recruiting Student Sentiment Survey Results

    Platforms for Hiring College Students in a COVID Environment - Parker Dewey

    With the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen various discrete approaches emerge, and one that benefits all constituents: university recruiters, altruistic alumni, and, above all, students.

    Related reading: Selecting a Gig Platform at Your Company? Be Sure to Consider These 3 Things


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