Tips for Career Launchers from Career Launchers

    Time and time again we hear from Career Launchers asking how they can improve their profiles, land more projects, and leverage Micro-Internships to their fullest. In order to address these questions, we've asked some of our most experienced Career Launchers to provide some advice.

    Watch Estefani's video to learn how she's been selected for multiple projects.



    Watch Simon's video for an overview of what to do once you are selected for a project.



    Watch Noel's video to learn how to leverage projects once they are finished.




    Watch Jessica's video to learn insights on best tips for getting picked to work on a project.



    Parker Dewey Advice from Colin Byard on Vimeo.

    There you have it! Advice from some of our top Career Launchers on how to land, perform, and leverage projects on Parker Dewey! If you have any questions, and have already created an account, please contact support.